After you have defined a map you may wish to view it using a different viewing program. GenesisII export the data constituting the map file in a number of different formats.

All export functions are accessed by selecting the Export... item from the Landscape menu. Select the export file type required from drop down list box in the Save As dialog, and enter the file name. With the exception of VRML export, no further parameters are required. No information about terrains is exported with any of these formats.

Additional export formats (such as VRML and TIN) may be available using plugin modules.

Exports all heights in space delimited ASCII format. This is the same format as described in the Import ASCII function.

Creates an AutoCAD compatible DXF file containing information about the landscape grid. The grid defined as a simple 3DMESH entity type and no header or other parameter information is exported. The file can be read by AutoCAD release 12 and should also be importable by other CAD programs, although no guarantee of compatibility is extended to these.

Windows Bitmap BMP
Exports the map heights as a grey bitmap image. Import of BMP files is supported by several other graphics programs, such as Bryce2. However where possible Pixel Greymap images (PGM) should be used as unlike BMP files are not quantized to height 256 levels.

Pixel Greymap PGM
The PGM format is a simple graphics file format for grey images. It is mainly found on UNIX systems, but is understood by some PC graphics packages such as Paintshop Pro. PGM is included here as it offers some advantages over the Windows BMP format - firstly colours are not quantized and any number of grey shades can be supported, and secondly the file format is a simple ASCII text file and creating a macro interface to other programs for import is relatively straightforward.

NTF Panorama
Creates a UK Ordnance Survey NTF Panorama file. Note that the grid size of these it rigorously defined as a 401 square grid of 50 metre point spacing, and although GenesisII will export differently sized maps, these will be adjusted to fit the standard size. No information about terrains is exported.

Terragen Terrain
Terragen is a photorealistic landscape visualization system that specializes in highly realistic atmospheric effects. Currently it is effectively limited in scope to mountain terrain and does not support the breadth of features found in GenesisII - however within these limitations it is an excellent program well worth experimenting with.

Vistapro DEM
Creates a Vistapro 3 compatible DEM. Vistapro is limited to certain pre-defined grid sizes. All of these are square, with a 30 metre grid point spacing. The smallest (and commonest) size is 258 x 258, which is the largest grid size GenesisII supports, although it will import smaller sizes setting undefined points to zero.